When dental issues become painful, a trip to the dentist is required to help get our oral health back on track. We offer a variety of treatment options to help our patients with restoring their smile, and their confidence.
Root canal therapy is needed when untreated tooth decay makes its way down into the roots of the tooth and causes a bacterial infection. Root canal therapy not only removes the chance for further infection, but it also saves the tooth, which is always our first course of action. If the infection is too great, a tooth extraction could be needed to prevent further infection of the gums, bone, and surrounding teeth.
Dental implants are false teeth that are made from porcelain or metal, and look like your natural teeth. They are a solution to missing teeth, however, they tend to be more costly compared to bridges and dentures. The way they are manufactured is by two parts, the titanium rod that is placed into the jawbone to replace the root, and a tooth coloured crown that is inserted on top of the rod.
Missing teeth can result in bone loss, gum loss, loose teeth, and can deform your facial structure. We recommend that if you have a missing tooth, to schedule an appointment with us to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants.
Periodontal disease refers to inflammation of the gums, which can lead to bad breath, infection, bleeding gums, tooth loss, and bone loss. The cause for this is due a build up food, which turns into plaque. If enough plaque builds up, and if left untreated, can cause irritation of the gums and can cause them to swell and bleed. In recent studies, there have been links between periodontics and health issues which can affect the whole body.
To prevent any cases of gum disease, we recommend that you floss and brush your teeth on a regular basis, while also visiting the dentist every 4 - 6 months to help reach the spots you may not be able to with floss or a toothbrush.
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